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Papa en Australie!

30 Jul

Papa est arrivé en Australie et a fait bon voyage! Son nouveau titre depuis l’arrivée d’Isabelle est Papydom et on a la chance de l’avoir avec nous pour 12 jours! Trop contente! Isabelle adore la voix ténor de Papydom quand il lui parle ou lui chante des chansons!

My dad arrived on saturday in Sydney and had a great trip. He will stay with us for 12 days and we are very happy to have him with us. His new nickname since the arrival of Isabelle is Papydom, such a cool name! Isabelle loves his deep voice when he is telling her stories or singing songs!


Il a apporté le couffin de famille qui a plus de 100 ans, ma grand mère et ses frères et sœurs y ont dormi dans les années 1920! Et depuis toutes les générations ont dormi dedans (mon père, mes oncles et tantes et tous les cousins et petits cousins). C’est la première fois que le couffin voyage aussi loin, pour qu’enfin Isabelle entre dans la tradition des Blanc-Bresard. La voici en plein sommeil pour son premier dodo dans le couffin!

My dad brought the family bassinet which is more than 100 years old, my grand mother and her siblings slept in it around the 1920s! And since then all the family relatives have slept in it (my dad and his siblings, all the cousins and second cousins…) and all names are stitched around the bassinet. It is the first time it has travelled so far from France to Australia, all the way for Isabelle to sleep in it too as per the tradition in the Blanc-Bresard family. Here she is for her first sleep in the bassinet, she looks very content!

Depuis que papa est la on a fait pas mal de balades, de marchés et cafés. Le temps est toujours au rendez vous mais assez froid 15 degrés environ. Papa apprecie bien la belle lumière des jours d’hivers australien, car en France l’hiver est bien sombre.

Since my dad is here we have been waking a lot, went to Bondi market and went to a few different cafes. The weather is still very good but with a cold wind. My dad has been very impressed with the great winter sunlight which makes the day very enjoyable, as opposed to France where the sky is pretty dark in winter.

Et on passe pas mal de temps à la maison aussi à essayer d’endormir Isabelle ou à manger tous ensemble! Mais on l’aime quand même!

We also spend a bit of time at home trying to put Isabelle to sleep and trying to eat all of us together. Isabelle always wants to be part of the conversation, but we still love her very much!
